On to Step 3 and 4 (since they pair up nicely). These next steps are about commitment and support. These are really important steps. Don't hide the fact that you are doing the Whole30! Be proud of your decision to better yourself and your performance. The more people that know that you are "in it to win it" for the next month, the more successful you will be. Also, to help you become more prepared I think we all should print out this calendar.
Here's what I want you to do with it.
1. Put it somewhere you will see it (Refrigerator, Bathroom mirror...)
2. Label the Calendar from August 17-September 13. Cross-off days as we go
3. Write down NON-FOOD rewards as frequently as you need them. i.e.) I know I will need a "reward" about every week to keep myself on track. I will write down "Massage" on the 24th, new workout clothes on the last day. Then follow through and reward yourself for sticking with this program!
4. Personalize. Do you like motivational quotes? Stickers? ;) Make it yours
We want you to commit to the program now, but that doesn’t mean starting right this minute. In the next step, we’re going to ask you to prepare for the Whole30 by cleaning out your pantry, grocery shopping, and doing some basic planning for the month.
Don’t skip the planning process—habit research shows that when people get excited and jump from contemplation straight to action (skipping right over the “preparation” phase) they’re less likely to see the change through. As you’ll hear over and over again, when it comes to the Whole30, planning and preparation are key.
You may need just a day or two to prepare, or you may need a week or two to get your house (and your head) around the changes you’re about to introduce. There is no one perfect timeline—you’ll have to decide what works best for you.
Choosing Your Start Date
Here are some general guidelines for choosing a start date:
- Start as soon as you possibly can, given the amount of preparation time you need.
- If you’ve got a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, an international trip to an unfamiliar location, or a wedding (especially your own!) in your imminent future, consider starting the Whole30 after those events. Navigating the Whole30 for the first time under those conditions may prove extremely difficult, and we don’t want you to begin your program stressed out.
- If you’ve got an important athletic event or an A-level race in the coming month, consider starting the program after your event is over, as your performance may suffer during the first few weeks of the program. (Hint: if you’re not getting paid for your performance, it’s not that important.)
- If you’ve got a family dinner, a business lunch, or a bridal shower in your imminent future, consider it an opportunity to take your Whole30 skills out on the town! You’ll have to deal with lots of new situations during your program, so write these events into your plan for the month, but don’t let them push your Whole30 off.
Go Public!
Once you’ve decided when you’re going to start… tell someone! Anyone! Everyone! Write your start date on the whiteboard at work, create a 30-day countdown calendar, or post our banner on your Facebook page or Instagram feed.
Congratulations! You are now officially part of the Whole30!
- See more at: http://whole30.com/step-three/#sthash.K5v6m5ds.dpuf
For many of you, the Whole30 will be a radical lifestyle change—and that kind of change is hard when you’re going it alone. Finding the right support network will be critical to keeping you motivated, inspired, and accountable during your program. We’ve created a variety of ways to find the support you need:
Subscribe to the Whole30 Daily
The most important support you can secure during your Whole30 is our Whole30 Daily newsletter. We’ve created 32 days of information (including a Day 0 and Day 31) written just for you, specific to that particular day of your Whole30. (After watching tens of thousands of people run through our program, we know exactly the kind of guidance you need, and when you need it.)
The Whole30 Daily is our way of checking in with you during every single day of your Whole30, filling your in-box with positive messages, helpful instructions, and a vast number of resources. We’ll provide you with specially developed guidance (especially in the first week); resources to make shopping, prepping, cooking, avoiding temptation, exercising, sleeping, and managing your stress that much easier during your program; and give you introspective assignments designed to keep you focused and aware during every stage of your Whole30.
We’ve also built in some accountability—at the end of every day, you’ll have to click the button that says, “I completed another day of the Whole30!” Yep, that means we’re waiting to hear how you did on your program every single day… which gives you even more incentive to stay committed and see your program through.
Make Friends on the Forum
Our Whole30 Forum is another way to connect with others doing the program, and learn from the many “veterans” who stick around to offer support to the new folks. With 30,000 participants and a fantastic team of Whole30 expert moderators, our forum is the friendliest, the most collaborative, and the most supportive on the internet.
In particular, the Whole30 Logs allow you to share your day-to-day experience with our community, and stay in touch with others who started the program when you did. Feel free to start your own threads, search for specific questions, and post on others’ threads to connect with our fantastic members during (and after) your program.
Connect on Social Media
Our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds are another thriving part of our Whole30 community, and a fun way for you to participate and connect. (The hashtag #Whole30 on Instagram has nearly 150,000 photos, all tagged by Whole30 participants!) Our Facebook page is particularly active—we post new, fun content several times a day, and participants share their questions, relevant articles, and success stories on our wall. And yes, we respond personally to every single post!
Get Support at Home
Ideally, you’ll have the support of your family and friends at home during your program. (They don’t have to do the program with you—they just have to support your health efforts for the next 30 days.) Share the program and why you are choosing to embark upon this journey with those you care about. Make it personal—share your current struggles, your goals, and all of the ways you believe the program will make you healthier and happier. And don’t forget to ask for their support! Asking directly, “Can I count on you to support me for the next 30 days?” lets them know how important these efforts are to you, and how much you’d value their encouragement and help.
Finally, if you’re part of a gym, church, school, office, or other organization in your local community, see if you can find a Whole30 buddy (or an entire group!) to do the program with you. Having a local Whole30 network enhances your commitment to the program, and makes your journey more fun.
- See more at: http://whole30.com/step-four/#sthash.Tocfd6k8.dpuf
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