Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Teammate Testimonial - Scott Swingle

The leader in points for the CFME A-Team is... drum roll please... Scott Swingle! He has taken the Whole Life Challenge by storm. He recognizes his weaknesses (did you start drinking your water early enough in the day Scott??!!) and constantly works to improve on them. This is why he is seeing results, and leading in points. Scott makes insightful, and witty, reflections posts daily which make me smile and has reminded me to not be so harsh on myself. Congratulations Scott on leading the A-Team, for your successes so far on the WLC, and being an all around great guy! I can't wait to see your end results!

1 comment:

  1. Golly, gee-whiz, aww shucks! Thank you, Nicole. I'm having a blast, and the WLC and CFME have made some incredibly huge dents in my life and well-being. :c) -Scott

    PS: I must say, that my youngest (Navy) son (& all my 3 kids) have helped to inspire me. And I can't forget my wife, Lili, who always encourages me to goto CF when I'm feeling lax.
