Tuesday, September 15, 2015


A HUGE congratulations goes out to all of the Whole30 participants!! I am so proud of everyone's dedication to transforming the way you eat and feel. I hope you learned something about yourself the past month and continue to use what you learned from here on out. Maybe you are going to keep this up because you are feeling SO good! If you are choosing to reincorporate foods (dairy, rice etc) do so slowly and deliberately. Remember these foods were off limits for a reason. They can be inflammatory and cause problems for some people. I would suggest reintroducing one thing at a time. You are eating so clean now that you'll know immediately if something is upsetting your guts, performance, mood, skin, etc. 

Now it's time to celebrate! Remember how you learned to reward yourself with non-food items... give that a try now! I am positive you will be more proud of yourself for celebrating with a massage rather than an ice cream cone. (Leave those treats for TRUE special occasions). Here is what the Whole30 has to say about reintroduction READ THIS

Last, but not least, please send me your successes!! nicoleraustin@gmail.com or Facebook I want to share them with others so that you may be the inspiration for others. You worked hard, be proud of yourself

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